NIW EB-2 (National Interest Waiver)


At Affordable NIW EB-2 Consultancy, we are specialized in the NIW EB-2 (National Interest Waiver), a unique and powerful visa category designed for individual who is a member of the professions holding an advanced degree or with exceptional abilities and whose work significantly contributes to the national interest of the United States. This waiver allows eligible applicants to bypass the labor certification process, making it a streamlined path to permanent residency. Our expertise in this area, combined with our personalized and strategic approach, ensures that you receive the best possible guidance and support throughout the application process.

Still Need to be Qualified for EB-2 Category

We always reminds our clients not to forget that a successful national interest argument does not establish eligibility for second preference classification. The National Interest Waiver (NIW). waives a labor certification and the necessity of having an offer of employment, but it does not waive the basic “entry” requirements for second preference classification. Therefore only after the second preference threshold is satisfied can a National Interest Waiver (NIW) be considered.

What is National Interest?

The National Interest Waiver (NIW) is a provision under the EB-2 (Employment-Based Second Preference) visa category. It is intended for professionals who hold advanced degrees or have exceptional abilities in their field. The waiver is granted to those whose work is considered to have substantial merit and national importance, meaning it significantly benefits the interest of the United States. The key advantage of the NIW is that it allows applicants to self-petition, eliminating the need for a job offer or employer sponsorship, which is typically required for most employment-based visas.

Qualification for EB-2 Category

To qualify for the NIW EB-2, applicants must meet the basic requirements of the EB-2 category, which include possessing an advanced degree or demonstrating exceptional ability in their field. An advanced degree can be a master’s degree or higher or a bachelor’s degree plus five years of progressive work experience in the field. For those claiming exceptional ability, the applicant must provide evidence that they have a degree of expertise significantly above that ordinarily encountered in the sciences, arts, or business.

Substantial Merit

The first requirement to meet the National Interest Waiver under the new decision, Matter of Dhanasar, is demonstrating that the proposed endeavor has substantial merit. This means that the applicant’s work must be important and valuable to the United States. Examples of substantial merit can include:

  • Scientific Research: Conducting groundbreaking research in areas such as medicine, environmental science, or technology that addresses critical issues or advances knowledge in the field.
  • Economic Contributions:  Developing innovative products or services that have the potential to boost the U.S. economy, create jobs, or enhance competitiveness in global markets.
  • Cultural and Educational Contributions: Contributing to the cultural enrichment or educational development of communities, such as through the arts, literature, or educational programs that improve public knowledge and skills.

At Affordable NIW EB-2 Consultancy, we help you articulate the substantial merit of your work through detailed documentation and compelling narratives that highlight the significance and impact of your contributions.

National Importance

The second requirement under the Matter of Dhanasar is demonstrating that the proposed endeavor has national importance. This criterion focuses on the broader implications of the applicant’s work and its potential to benefit the United States on a national scale. Examples of national importance include:

  • Public Health Initiatives: Leading projects that address public health challenges, such as developing new treatments for diseases, improving healthcare access, or enhancing public health policies.
  • Environmental Protection: Engaging in activities that promote environmental sustainability, such as renewable energy projects, conservation efforts, or research on climate change mitigation.
  • Technological Innovation: Working on cutting-edge technologies that can drive advancements in critical sectors, such as information technology, biotechnology, or aerospace.

Our team at Affordable NIW EB-2 Consultancy is skilled at demonstrating the national importance of your work through thorough research, expert testimonials, and strategic presentation of evidence that underscores the far-reaching benefits of your endeavors.

Meeting the Requirements

To successfully meet the requirements for the National Interest Waiver, it’s essential to present a well-documented and compelling case that clearly demonstrates both substantial merit and national importance. This involves:

  • Detailed Documentation: Gathering and organizing comprehensive evidence supporting your work’s significance and impact. This can include academic publications, patents, awards, letters of recommendation, and more.
  • Expert Testimonials: Obtaining letters from recognized experts in your field who can attest to the value and importance of your contributions. These letters should provide specific examples of how your work benefits the United States.
  • Strategic Presentation: Crafting a persuasive petition that effectively communicates your qualifications and the national interest of your work. This includes a detailed I-140 immigration petition letter, supporting documents, and a well-structured argument that aligns with the criteria set forth by the USCIS.

At Affordable NIW Consultancy, we excel in creating strong, evidence-based i-140 petition letters that highlight our clients’ unique and valuable contributions. Our strategic approach and attention to detail ensure that your application is presented in the best possible way, maximizing your chances of obtaining the National Interest Waiver.

The NIW EB-2visa offers a unique and advantageous pathway to permanent residency for individuals whose work significantly benefits the national interest of the United States. At Affordable NIW Consultancy, we are committed to helping you navigate this complex process with confidence and success. Our expertise, personalized approach, and strategic thinking ensure that your case is handled with the utmost care and precision. Let us help you achieve your immigration goals and make your valuable contributions to the United States.

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